The first mention of cypress in the Bible is God’s instruction to Noah to build an ark Gen 6:14-15 a place of sanctuary and safety, a place of separation unto HIM, apart from the world.
The ark was covered in pitch – which is symbolic of the protective, cleansing blood of Jesus.
There is room in God’s house for you where you can dwell under his protection, and his Shield to have everlasting life. Interestingly, the globe-shaped cones of the cypress are covered by woody scales that look like little shields.
Trust in the Lord and have faith. Through salvation in Jesus Christ only can we be delivered from our wicked ways and be translated into His kingdom of light. We must hear the call of God to enter into His presence and turn our backs on fleshly, worldly and idolatrous ways.
Cypress is a very durable and strong wood and stands towering above all other trees. Likewise, we are to trust in God’s strength and not our own, reflecting the glory of Jesus, so that HE can be seen by all nations so that even unbelievers will come and worship Jesus.
Cypress was also used as adornment in the sanctuary Is 60:13. Prophetically Cypress speaks of deliverance from the world, and eternal protection in His presence. Stand strong within Him with your shield of faith.