The name Hadassah represents righteousness and is derived from the Hebrew word hadas (Heb. ???), a myrtle tree from the Myrtaceae family and has a pleasant fragrance.
“Man is like a tree of the field, therefore the righteous are called myrtles, likened to a good tree with a pleasant smell.”As such, it corresponds to a heavenly sphere representing God’s infinity.
The name Esther (Heb. ????) is derived from the Hebrew word hester (Heb. ????), which means “hiddenness,” and corresponds to a spiritual plane representing hidden Godliness. Calling Queen Esther by both names represents the self-sacrifice she displayed in order to save the Jewish nation.
A righteous woman, she brought Godliness down into the physical world, where Godliness is concealed. We too can connect transcendent levels of Godliness with the world when we choose to do something righteous for God instead of following our own desires. Esher 2