Pomegranates were highly esteemed during biblical times. They are one of the 7 species the spies brought back with them to show how fertile the promised land was. It speaks of God’s favour exhibited in making fruitful.
The hem of Aaron’s robe was decorated with blue, purple and red pomegranates (Ex 28: 33-34; 39: 24-26).Carved figures of the pomegranates adorned the tops of the pillars in Solomon’s Temple (I Kings 7: 18, 20) and a spiced wine was made from the juice (Song 8:2).
The ruby colour of the pulp of the pomegranate is a description of the beautiful complexion of the bride. The church’s blush of modesty is not on the surface but within, which Christ sees into. Song 4:3 “The temples (of the bride) behind your veil are like the halves of a pomegranate.”
Pomegranate represents fruitfulness and love.