The Rock Rose shrub is also known as “Christ’s Tears” because of it’s five petalled flower, with deep purple spots on each petal, near the center of the blossom. With its distinct balsamic note – which made it highly considered amongst the « incense of Antiquity» the Ladanum Resin has been used in perfumery for over 3000 years.
In ancient times, when goats fed on the leaves of the Cistus shrub, the resin stuck to their beards and was combed out. Later on, the gum was collected by whipping the twigs with a large rake called a Ladanisterion, which was made of strips of leather from which the gum was scraped off with a knife.
The beard of Jesus was plucked, His back was ripped and whipped and torn with lashes, the pain of his tears He collects for us.