- Solomon (derived from Shalom), was known as a man of peace. There was an “absence of strife” in the kingdom and the Temple was built under his direction.
Shalom means peace, completeness in number, welfare, health, safety & soundness in body. It signifies a restored relationship, one of harmony & wholeness. Shalom used as a greeting implies a blessing 2 Sa 15:27. Peace can be restored through payment Jos 10:1, restitution Ex 21:36, simple payment & completion 2 Ki 4:7 or payment of a vow Ps 50:14.
Once the obligation for recompense for national or personal sin is met, wholeness is restored Isa 60:20; Joel 2:25. Peace is the result of right-eousness Isa 32:17 & ”When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him” Pr 16:7.
David’s “greater” son – the Messiah is the “Prince of Peace” who was to introduce a government of “peace” Isa 9:6-7. This new covenant of “peace” Eze 37:26 has its source in God. He is the one who will speak Shalom to his people Ps 85:8.
Christ is our peace Eph 2:14. He is God’s last word – the “concluding sacrifice” that brings redemption to mankind i.e. the blessing of wholeness, through the forgiveness of sins, fullness of life, prosperity, & the status of being at peace with God.