Throughout Scripture we find the LORD of Hosts as our ever-present defender, who sees us, loves us and moves mountains on our behalf. He fights our battles, wins our wars and is the refuge we can run to in time of need. He is Jehovah-Zabaoth!
There is nothing He cannot do, nothing He does not know, nothing He cannot control, no enemy He cannot defeat, no heart He cannot heal, no mouth He cannot shut, no miracle He cannot perform. And how beautiful to know He longs to work in our lives and on our behalf as the LORD of Hosts! What battle have you been trying to fight on your own?
Like Hannah and David, will you call upon the LORD of Hosts to do what only He can do and vindicate you in the process? Ex 13:21, Sa 17:45-47, 2 Ch 32:7-8 Hyssop for purging and cleansing, Frankincense – use the Word of God as your sword in the Spirit, Onycha – the voice of God, King David Oil – David’s heart all prayerfully blended in Almond Oil – Go out and declare!